We wanted to chronicle a new series ‘How To Tie A Scarf’, with clear instructions and demonstrations to stylishly wear scarves of different size, empowering you to wear it how you love it.

For our first foray on this topic, we are using the best-selling and oh-so-easy to wear size -

70cm Square

The Silk Foulard


The Look: Softly Tied w/ a single knot at the neck

Fold your scarf into thirds, on a diagonal - bringing two corners to overlap in the centre.

Foulard Fold

Bring this band around the neck, take one end other the other and tie softly, creating a loose knot.

Then choose how you prefer to wear this look -


At the side with one end of the scarf over the shoulder

At the side, with both ends brought forward on the shoulder

Or bring the knot to the front to feature more of the scarf

We have a Pinterest board with demonstrations and ideas of how to tie your scarves.

We encourage you to have a look through #howtotieascarf, #howtowearascarf, #wearithowyouloveit, on Instagram, as we use these hashtags on all relevant imagery we post.

Additionally, we have another Pinterest board wear it how you love it - full of style inspiration to visual ideas to encourage us all the try & tie our scarves in new ways.

If you’d like to get your hands on a pure silk satin scarf, as a welcome piece to your wardrobe, and to practice new style ideas on - our Alexi, in its bold yellow, offers a statement piece, and as a tonal design you will find it so easy to add to any outfit as a co-ordinated or contrasting pop.

Alexi Gold
Sale Price: £55.00 Original Price: £78.00