We travelled from London, England and Melbourne, Australia to meet up for our annual staff meeting in Thailand - November, 2019. Whilst there we organised to shoot the S/S20 Myriad Collection, and took inspiration for S/S21 Golden Collection.

- Chloë Browne-Beck

With Chloë’s incredible knowhow, and the world that now operates on Instagram we found Phai, a fabulous photography student, with an astonishing eye for natural lighting. Phai, along with his team, and ourselves, had a great day shooting our fabulous printed silk scarves for S/S20 Myriad.

We share the behind the scenes camera roll from our shoot on location in Chiang Mai, Thailand.  

- Heti Gervis

It was wonderful to shoot our printed silk scarf Sabrina as we were spoilt for choice when shooting in this lush tropical location.
