Style At Any Age: Scarves

The styling and wearing of scarves is not specific to an age, dress sense, style or budget. We have chosen several examples for each decade, how to style the scarves in our collections, and your wardrobe.

80 Years and 20 Years - The Throwing Caution to The Wind age

These ages have much in common, both living with unencumbered confidence and happy making bold style choices. Same thing is true for 90’s and 100’s!

30’s and 70’s - Coming into your own look, and feeling confident in what you feel good in.

A wonderful time to play with monochromatic dressing, accessorising with statement pieces, and coordinating your outfits to mix or match with your scarf.

40’s and 60’s - In The Groove

At this age, feeling true to our style, we happily have a uniform of go to looks. A time to wear the items we love, and we’ve made memories in.

And our 50’s - A significant half way moment when we truly embrace ourselves, our bodies and our style. Get ready to let your true self come to the fore.

And to the style mavens who have seen all the trends come and go, and found their own style through it all. 90 & 100 Years