Textile Waste and Our Response

Chloe and I have been talking a lot about how we can adapt Heti’s Colours into becoming a more sustainable brand. Our biggest impact would be eliminating excess stock. We are wanting to stop contributing to the amount of textile waste in the world, which as I am sure you all know is a real problem. So in response we are getting ready to try a new ordering system which will benefit you, our lovely customers, the environment and us.

We're excited to be making this big change as a sustainable step for Heti's Colours. Thanks for coming on this new journey with us.

Adopting a Pre-Order system at Heti’s Colours

We are going to be trialing a Pre-Order system for AW23, in line with many small and large forward-thinking companies who are doing the same. 

What does Pre-Ordering mean for us at Heti’s Colours?

By shifting to a Pre-Order system, you will be helping us cut down on unwanted stock, and ultimately waste. Scarves sold in the pre-order window will determine what we produce. Matching supply and demand is not always an exact science.  

Our manufacturer has minimum order requirements, so we have been working closely with them to bring those order requirements down, thus reducing and eliminating the amount of stock we have at the end of a season.

 What does Pre-Ordering mean for you, our customer?

When you purchase a scarf within the pre-order window, you won’t receive your scarf in the usual 5-7 days, instead it will be 4-6 weeks. This allows for manufacturing of the scarf in Italy, shipment to our Studio in London and dispatch to you. 

The availability of scarves will be determined by the Pre-Orders

Because we are trying to match demand with supply, and save on waste, website stock may be limited under this new system. If we do have any scarves available, they will be listed on the website at full price, and go on sale at the end of the season. 

Heti’s Colours Refunds and Returns

We realise this is a new process, and a leap of faith, but rest assured we do not take your decision and confidence in this move lightly. We will, of course, honor any returns, as we would have previously. 


Heti & Chloe

At the moment, we are working on ideas to re-use and upcycle our previous seasons deadstock – watch this space!

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