Emilio Pucci

After a somewhat colourful early life, coming from a privileged background, friends with Mussolini’s inner circle, it was Emilio Pucci’s interest in sport that directed him to his first design project, making clothes for the skiing team of Reed college in Oregon, USA.


Following on in the same vein Pucci designed skiwear for a friend that was photographed for Harper’s Bazaar causing a great stir and in due course widespread awareness. He set up his studio in Capri’s Canzone del Mare. From skiwear to swimwear to scarves to clothes the rest is history…


To me his use of colour is explosive, iconic. I love his instantly recognisable patterns they are somehow reassuring, the geometrics glide and collide forming part of my visual pattern bank. I admire his pioneering attitude towards fabrics, no one else during the 50’s and 60’was working with stretch fabric in the way he was, making fabulous figure-hugging garments.

- Heti Gervis

Sale Price: £60.00 Original Price: £100.00
MUSE, InspirationHetis Colours