Sandra Blow

Daughter of a Kent fruit picker, Blow found painting whilst recovering from Scarlet Fever and with the encouragement of her family ended up studying fine art at St Martins and then went onto The Royal academy. 

Exhibiting at the Gimpel Fils gallery alongside the likes of Ben Nicholson and Peter Lanyon, she became one of the earliest and perhaps one of the most original female artists of the 50’s and 60’s. Often using rejected materials such as sackcloth, sawdust and plaster creating collages on canvas. 

It is her later much brighter and enthusiastic work that has the most resonation with me. I find Blow’s use of colour beguiling her hues vibrate adding a sense of bewilderment, this to me is the backbone of her paintings. Collage also plays a huge part in my adoration, the layering and added texture bring intrigue. To my eye her paintings are totally alluring and to be enjoyed.

- Heti Gervis

Jean Mandarin
Sale Price: £65.00 Original Price: £95.00