During this lockdown, everyone’s travel plans have been postponed and cancelled. Accordingly, we thought we would take a trip to our favourite spots within our own homes*.
- Heti Gervis & Chloe Browne-Beck
Who knew the lounge room would become the centre of our lockdown existence.
Heti - London
Chloe - Sydney
*Before travelling overseas for 4 months, my partner and I moved out of our rental in Melbourne, to re-set up on return from the trip. Due to Covid-19, we have been at my family home in Sydney.
- Chloe Browne-Beck
The curiosities and collections that fill out homes, a little insight to both our worlds.
The lockdown portion of these months means many more meals inside, and homemade. It seems without meaning to - that we have both and individually been drawn to homemade pizza bases and favourite toppings!